There's not always room for everyone.

If we all want to produce good work (artists) and we want to show good work (curators, etc), we have to trim and reduce. I personally think we can feel it when our works don't fit with others' vying for the same (limited) wall space. 
Or when we absolutely want to work with certain individuals, but in our hearts know that it's just not a good fit. And personally, these are all opportunities to learn to trust ourselves.

We are creators, we put in the work, do the work, make the works. It takes all of our essence/person to do it. (and people around us who support us with purchasing work, admiring work, selling our works, sharing our works).

So just like certain plants need different soils, we, too, need different growing environments.

Maybe my peace plant could survive in a darker room, but it won't thrive.  Maybe my mother-in-law plant does just fine where the peace lilly withers.

My basil loves shade. My lavender are sunshine seeking beings.

It's hard to remember this when rejection letters arrive at our doorstep... but in the case of today's rejection letter, I knew my works didn't fit with the vibes of others' works in those rooms... it wasn't a vibrational match** (AT THAT MOMENT). But those moments change. Are always changing.

AND we never say, "BAD sunflower!" (judging negatively) for needing what they need to thrive.

So, I thank the experience for showing me in the material world what I'd already "gisted" and meditate on whether it is worth it to apply for places anyhow, or if we hold back and conserve our energies* for where we really feel called to be.***

Sending all many blessings upon the journey.


*(time, muscle, strength) if none of you have applied for art exhibitions that require the artworks to be brought to the location for the judges, it is a bit of a mighty endeavor, especially when works are quite big and heavy.  There are usually stairs, lots and lots of stairs in Europe.  :)

**a physics friend says that couples who really get along, have a great relationship, they, literally, are on the same brain waves and this can be measured.

***and there is always room for surprise.  Maybe we thought it wasn't a good fit, but felt called to apply anyhow and surprise, surprise, get into a venue that is more fitting basically because we applied to the first that didn't accept us. Or maybe the first does accept us even though we'd thought it too much of a "leap."  So many possibilities! Amazing life.

An archatypal interplay of good and evil.
Had a lovely chat with colleague Bernhard Rauch and the famous Valerie Fischer on gallery night in Regensburg.
oil on canvas diptych 100 x 100 cm I think I love you.
How our egos make everything so damned personal.
Article about starting a new gallery in the UNESCO city of Regensburg in Bavaria, Germany.
What makes an artwork sing to you?
SAFE WORK. When and how does an artist get convinced what they are doing is wrong? Unfruitful? Not what the public wants? And so on. And why it is important we listen to our own hearts/inner direction.
Change is a constant; the same river cannot be crossed more than once.
13. April - 19. Mai 2024 Wir laden Sie und Ihre Begleitung zur Eröffnung der Ausstellung am Freitag, 12. April um 19.00 Uhr herzlich ein. ... Inviting you to join us for the Vernissage at 7pm on April 12 at the Kunst- und Gewerbeverein in Regensburg, Germany. Hope to see you there!
Never too late; there is ALWAYS something to learn. Image title: "Titans on the Eastern Hill" 120 x 100 cm oil on canvas
15 remarkable people, 1 fine master painter teacher, 1 yoga instructor and cinnamon roll baker, 2 ateliers, 1 kitchen, and a TON of good energy (and PAINT!)
There is only one material absolutely essential in my studio; oil paint and/or a combination of pigments and linseed oil so i can make my own.
“It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.” – Confucius
“Inside you there’s an artist you don’t know about… say yes quickly, if you know, if you’ve known it from before the beginning of the universe.” -Rumi
The I AM YOU exhibit found in Florence, Italy is a great success. Amazing artists and a wonderful show.
This year's show is a wonderful mix of sculpture, drawings, paintings... Main photo of my triptych, "The Big Catch", acrylic on canvas.
Just some thought nibbles on what traveling does for me; to relax, inspire, motivate.
Through opposing force we grow.
Taking a break? Nah! Just refocus on what nourishes.
Working at not freaking out over the new.
MarshallTerrence has written, "intervention art is simply using the world around us as a sort of “recycling” project to up-cycle it into art, just like turning old clothes into new items. Like ripping your jeans up to give them a more grungy look or painting on them."
What we Live, we Paint?
Creating new spaces with positive vibes
Direction in LIFE
As artists, we must create. When we don't create, we are not artists
The drying aka oxidizing times of oil paintings varies. Most would say, however, that they are thoroughly "dry" after about 100 years. Soooo romantic.
Mary Ann and Team will be receiving new works (oil on canvas) this week. They have been voted Best Art Gallery 2022 by Fort Lauderdale Magazine.
Incredible location, great atmosphere, competent, interesting artists.
Extending a warm welcome to Redwood Art Group's writers for choosing me as one of 6 artists to spotlight for Spectrum Miami 2022. Many thanks!
When creating art, be courageous in changing something that may already be "finished", may already be "published", but may not yet have found a new home aka "sold." (or you just don't like the way it looks/feels.
*In German* Valerie Fischer and her camera crew showed up at the studio for a talk about life and living in Germany.
Lovely article by Marianne Sperb about a fantastic experience exhibiting at Krones' gallery in Neutraubling, Germany.
Catching up; a note of thanks to Circle Foundation for the Arts for the inclusion in issue 31
iPhones, boats, water and Italy
Looking back at Top 99 Regensburg photoshoot with Claudia Niebauer and Andreas Fuchs (the talented photographer)
Over-sized, gigantic artworks on wood, canvas or other supports is not always practical, even though the visual impact is often impressive. For those who wish to fill up more wall space, however, while adhering to ease of transport or hanging, polyptychs could be the creative answer. To see "Peaceful Vigilance" in it's warthog form, use this link:
Welcome Visitors! to my newly designed pages of art and dialogue; I'm glad you could make it.

What's Winning? What is rejection?

There's not always room for everyone.

If we all want to produce good work (artists) and we want to show good work (curators, etc), we have to trim and reduce. I personally think we can feel it when our works don't fit with others' vying for the same (limited) wall space. 
Or when we absolutely want to work with certain individuals, but in our hearts know that it's just not a good fit. And personally, these are all opportunities to learn to trust ourselves.

We are creators, we put in the work, do the work, make the works. It takes all of our essence/person to do it. (and people around us who support us with purchasing work, admiring work, selling our works, sharing our works).

So just like certain plants need different soils, we, too, need different growing environments.

Maybe my peace plant could survive in a darker room, but it won't thrive.  Maybe my mother-in-law plant does just fine where the peace lilly withers.

My basil loves shade. My lavender are sunshine seeking beings.

It's hard to remember this when rejection letters arrive at our doorstep... but in the case of today's rejection letter, I knew my works didn't fit with the vibes of others' works in those rooms... it wasn't a vibrational match** (AT THAT MOMENT). But those moments change. Are always changing.

AND we never say, "BAD sunflower!" (judging negatively) for needing what they need to thrive.

So, I thank the experience for showing me in the material world what I'd already "gisted" and meditate on whether it is worth it to apply for places anyhow, or if we hold back and conserve our energies* for where we really feel called to be.***

Sending all many blessings upon the journey.


*(time, muscle, strength) if none of you have applied for art exhibitions that require the artworks to be brought to the location for the judges, it is a bit of a mighty endeavor, especially when works are quite big and heavy.  There are usually stairs, lots and lots of stairs in Europe.  :)

**a physics friend says that couples who really get along, have a great relationship, they, literally, are on the same brain waves and this can be measured.

***and there is always room for surprise.  Maybe we thought it wasn't a good fit, but felt called to apply anyhow and surprise, surprise, get into a venue that is more fitting basically because we applied to the first that didn't accept us. Or maybe the first does accept us even though we'd thought it too much of a "leap."  So many possibilities! Amazing life.